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A Dive into Meeting Statistics, Culture, Productivity, and Costs

Updated: May 31

an image of a meeting


The dynamics of workplace meetings have undergone considerable change, especially in the context of remote work and ever-evolving office norms.

Recent reports from Owl Labs, Atlassian, and Doodle offer a comprehensive look into the current state of meetings.

This article aims to synthesise these statistics into actionable conclusions for employers and employees.

Key Statistics at a Glance

  • Employees spend an average of 35 hours in meetings per month.

  • Meetings cost the US economy an estimated $532 billion per year.

  • Only 45% of employees feel their meetings are productive.

  • A staggering 65% of employees admit to daydreaming during meetings.

An infographic on meeting statistics

Clearly, there's room for improvement.

By incorporating strategies such as setting agendas and limiting durations, we can strive for a future where meetings are constructive rather than obstructive.

Meeting Fatigue is Real

Employees are spending a substantial amount of time in meetings, averaging around 35 hours per month.

Despite the high investment of time, a mere 45% believe these meetings to be productive.

This discrepancy highlights the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the current meeting culture, calling for immediate improvements.

The issue of meeting fatigue is not to be dismissed. Take a good look at what regular meetings are scheduled, their purpose, attendees and see what can be rationalised.

Introducing regular breaks in long meetings and considering the time of day when scheduling can help offset fatigue and boost productivity.

An example of the cost of meetings
Would this influence your meetings?

The Economic Toll

The monetary implications are far from trivial; meetings cost the US economy an estimated $532 billion per year.

Considering the lack of productivity cited by employees, businesses need to scrutinise whether their meetings offer a return on investment, both in terms of time and money.

An image of someone reviewing statistics

It's crucial for businesses to adopt a data-driven approach to understanding the ROI of their meetings. Analysing key performance indicators can help identify meetings that are actually beneficial and those that are merely sapping resources.

A Culture of Daydreaming and Inefficiency

The reports reveal a somewhat dismal picture of engagement.

About 65% of employees admit to daydreaming during meetings, while 74% believe they would be more productive with fewer meetings.

This lack of engagement is symptomatic of a broader issue affecting workplace culture.

One way to combat this lack of engagement is to actively include all participants in the conversation. Polling software can be used to gauge real-time feedback and ensure that everyone's voice is heard.

Virtual vs In-Person Meetings

The shift to remote work has made virtual meetings more common than in-person ones. However, the pitfalls of unproductivity persist across both formats.

Employers need to address issues like technical difficulties, distractions, and lack of engagement, which are cited as top reasons for unproductive virtual meetings.

Training programmes focused on virtual meeting etiquette and best practices can help mitigate common pitfalls. This includes understanding when to mute/unmute and how to use virtual backgrounds responsibly.

Could This Meeting Have Been an Email?

A whopping 82% of employees feel they've attended a meeting that could have been an email, indicating a lack of purpose in many convened meetings.

This statistic is a clear signal for businesses to reassess the necessity of each meeting.

Businesses can adopt a 'meeting-minimalist' approach by setting clear criteria that dictate when a meeting is necessary. This avoids clogging calendars with sessions that could be resolved via email or a quick chat.

The Cost of Unnecessary Meetings

Several employees attend meetings they consider unnecessary (57%), too long (46%), poorly organised (31%), or dominated by one person (26%).

These issues contribute to the overall dissatisfaction with meeting culture and further disengagement.

Solutions like meeting analytics software can offer insights into which meetings are useful and which are not. This empowers organisations to cut out the unnecessary meetings that employees find too long, poorly organised, or dominated by one person.

Other Notable Findings

  • 19% of employees have fallen asleep during a meeting.

  • 16% checked social media during a meeting.

  • 15% did other work during a meeting.

To prevent such distractions, consider fostering an environment where attendees feel comfortable saying they need to focus on other tasks and would be better off not attending the meeting.

Conclusions and Recommendations

  1. Rethink the Meeting Frequency: With 74% of employees advocating for fewer meetings, reducing the number could enhance productivity.

  2. Set a Clear Agenda: Lack of agenda is a top reason for unproductive meetings. A well-structured agenda can make meetings more efficient.

  3. Limit Meeting Duration: Given that 46% find meetings too long, limiting the duration can prevent cognitive fatigue and improve focus.

  4. Invest in Tech Tools: With virtual meetings becoming the norm, investment in robust tech tools can eliminate glitches and facilitate smoother operations.

  5. Encourage Participation: A more democratic approach can counter the 26% of meetings dominated by one person, thereby improving engagement.

  6. Audit Regularly: A regular review of the meeting culture can help in making necessary adjustments, contributing to better ROI and increased employee satisfaction.

Final Thoughts on Meeting Statistics

The data suggests a pressing need for re-evaluating and improving our approach to meetings. Ignoring these warning signs could lead to continued financial drain and employee disengagement.

A data-informed, employee-centric approach to reforming meeting culture is not just advisable, it’s essential. With focused action, the workplace of tomorrow can be one where meetings are effective and energising, rather than draining and demoralising.


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About the author

Alan Parker is an IT consultant and project manager who specialises in IT governance, process implementation, and project delivery. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Alan believes that simplifying complex challenges and avoiding pitfalls are key to successful IT management. He has led various IT teams and projects across multiple organisations, continually honing his expertise in ITIL and PRINCE2 methodologies. Alan holds a degree in Information Systems and has been recognised for his ability to deliver reliable and effective IT solutions. He lives in Berkshire, UK, with his family.

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