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Evaluating IT Service Strategy Performance

Updated: Apr 26

Measuring and understanding performance plays a pivotal role in strategic decision-making, where being 'data-driven' is increasingly important.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics serve as the backbone for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of IT service strategies, enabling organisations to align their IT services with overall business objectives.

Key Metrics and KPIs for IT Service Performance

Understanding Metrics and KPIs

Before diving into specific examples, it's essential to differentiate between metrics and KPIs.

  • Metrics are quantifiable measures used to track and assess the status of specific business processes.

  • KPIs are a subset of metrics that are pivotal to the organisation's success, focusing on areas critical to achieving key business objectives.

Both play integral roles in evaluating IT service strategy performance, offering insights into operational efficiencies, service quality, and customer satisfaction.

Examples of IT Service Management KPIs



Service Availability

Measures the percentage of time a service is available and operational.

Incident Resolution Time

Tracks the average time taken to resolve incidents, indicating responsiveness and efficiency.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

Gauges user satisfaction with IT services, typically through surveys and feedback.

First Contact Resolution (FCR)

Percentage of incidents resolved upon first contact with the service desk.

Change Success Rate

Measures the success of changes implemented in the IT environment, indicating innovation effectiveness without disrupting service quality.

Cost per Ticket

Calculates the average cost of resolving a service ticket, reflecting the efficiency of resource allocation.

Examples of Metrics for Strategic Insight



Business Impact Score

Quantifies the impact of IT services on key business metrics such as revenue growth, cost savings, market share, and customer satisfaction. It provides a holistic view of the value generated by IT investments.

Technology ROI

Assesses the financial gains against the costs incurred for technology implementations.

Adoption Rate of New Technologies

Tracks the rate at which new tools and technologies are adopted, indicating change management effectiveness.

Leveraging Metrics and KPIs for Strategic Advantage

To harness the full potential of these metrics and KPIs, IT leaders must integrate them into their strategic planning and operational monitoring. This involves setting baseline values, defining targets, and regularly reviewing performance data to identify trends and areas for improvement.

It's tempting to measure and report on everything. Still, by focusing on metrics and KPIs directly impacting business objectives, IT departments can align their services more closely with the organisation's overall strategic goals.

Methods for Evaluating IT Service Strategy Performance

Evaluating the performance of an IT service strategy requires a multifaceted approach, utilising both quantitative data and qualitative insights to gain a comprehensive understanding of service effectiveness, efficiency, and alignment with business objectives.

Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative analysis involves collecting and analysing numerical data to measure performance against predefined metrics and KPIs.

This method provides objective evidence of service performance, offering clear insights into service availability, incident resolution times, and cost efficiency.

Here's a couple of examples;

  • Data Analytics Tools: Utilise software tools designed for data analysis to process and visualise large volumes of performance data, identifying trends and patterns that might not be apparent from raw figures. Example: website visitors and their activities.

  • Automated Monitoring Systems: Implement systems that automatically track and report on key performance indicators, providing real-time data for immediate analysis and action. Example: an ITSM solution that tracks system availability.

  • Benchmarking: Compare performance data against industry standards or competitors to understand the organisation's market position and identify improvement areas. Example: a security assessment against peers in the same industry.

Qualitative Analysis

While quantitative data is crucial for performance measurement, qualitative analysis provides context and insights into the 'why' and 'how' behind the numbers. This method gathers stakeholders' feedback, opinions, and experiences to complement the numerical data.

  • Stakeholder Interviews and Surveys: Conduct interviews and distribute surveys to gather feedback from employees, customers, and partners regarding their satisfaction and experiences with IT services.

  • Service Reviews and Audits: Perform regular reviews and audits of IT services and processes to assess their effectiveness and compliance with best practices and standards.

  • Focus Groups: Organise focus groups with users of IT services to discuss their experiences, challenges, and suggestions for improvement.

Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

For a holistic evaluation of IT service strategy performance, it's essential to integrate both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods.

An integrated approach allows organisations to measure performance against specific metrics and understand the underlying factors contributing to those results.

So, if you have qualitative feedback from customers that your website is too slow, you'd then look at the quantitative days to drill into why.

Taking such an approach facilitates informed decision-making, enabling strategic adjustments responsive to both the numerical data and the human elements of IT service delivery.

Diagram of Integrating quantitative and qualitative analysis
Integrating quantitative and qualitative analysis

Examples of KPIs and Their Strategic Relevance

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are strategic tools that, when used effectively, can provide deep insights into the performance and health of an IT service strategy.

For KPIs to effectively guide IT service strategy, they must be directly aligned with the organisation's strategic goals.

This alignment ensures that IT services contribute positively to the broader business objectives, such as increasing operational efficiency, enhancing customer experience, or driving innovation. It involves setting KPI targets that reflect desired outcomes in these areas and regularly reviewing KPI performance to adjust strategies as needed.

I'm not going to summarise these in massive detail as I think they'll be commonplace to most IT management teams, but I'll outline them for completeness.

Summary Table: KPIs, Strategic Relevance, and Improvement Methods


Strategic Relevance

Methods for Improvement

Service Availability

Reflects IT services' reliability and operational readiness, which is crucial for business continuity.

Enhance infrastructure resilience, implement redundancy, and conduct regular maintenance.

Incident Resolution Time

Indicates the efficiency and responsiveness of the IT support team, affecting operational disruptions.

Optimise incident management processes provide additional training and leverage automation.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

Measures how well IT services meet user needs, affecting reputation and user loyalty.

Conduct regular feedback surveys, implement improvements based on feedback, and enhance user support.

First Contact Resolution (FCR)

Shows the effectiveness of the IT service desk in resolving issues promptly, impacting user satisfaction.

Improve knowledge base, train staff on everyday issues, and use feedback for continuous training.

Change Success Rate

Measures effectiveness of change management processes, indicating the ability to innovate without impacting service quality.

Refine change management protocols, increase pre-implementation testing, and engage stakeholders earls.

Best Practices for Continuous Improvement in IT Service Strategy Performance

Continuous improvement is essential for maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of IT service strategies in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

By implementing best practices focused on constant evaluation, feedback integration, and strategic alignment, organisations can continuously ensure their IT services meet and exceed business and user expectations.

Here are key best practices to foster a culture of continuous improvement in IT service strategy performance:

Establish Clear Objectives and Metrics

Objective Setting

Define clear, measurable objectives aligned with business goals to guide the IT service improvement efforts.

Objectives should be specific, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Metric Selection

Choose relevant KPIs and metrics that accurately reflect the performance and impact of IT services on the business.

Regularly review and adjust these metrics to remain aligned with evolving business strategies.

Foster a Culture of Feedback and Learning

Feedback Mechanisms

Implement structured feedback mechanisms to gather insights from users, IT staff, and stakeholders. This includes surveys, feedback forms, and forums for open communication.

Learning Environment

Encourage a culture where feedback is valued and mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities.

To enhance skills and adaptability, promote knowledge sharing and continuous learning among IT staff to enhance skills and adaptability, promote.

Utilise Data-Driven Decision Making

Data Analysis

Leverage data analytics tools and techniques to analyse performance data, identify trends, and uncover areas for improvement. Use this data to inform decision-making processes and prioritise improvement initiatives.

Technology Adoption

Stay abreast of new technologies and tools to enhance data collection, analysis, and reporting capabilities.

Adopting the right technology can streamline processes and provide deeper insights into performance metrics.

Measure and Celebrate Success

Success Metrics

Establish clear metrics for measuring the success of improvement initiatives. This includes short-term wins and long-term impacts on IT service performance and business outcomes.

Recognition and Rewards

Recognise and reward teams and individuals contributing to successful improvements.

Celebrating successes fosters motivation and reinforces the value of continuous improvement efforts.

Continuous Improvement through Regular Evaluation

A diagram of Deming's Plan-do-check-act cycle
Deming's Quality Cycle

Regular evaluation of IT service strategy performance is not just about identifying areas for immediate improvement; it's also about setting the stage for continuous growth and adaptation.

We tend, as humans, to measure something, adjust, and then move on to the next thing rather than continuing to measure and respond to the monitoring area.

By consistently applying quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, organisations can maintain a dynamic IT service strategy that aligns with changing business needs and technological advancements.

This is where we use something like Deming's Quality Cycle to put in place a continuous iterative improvement approach; We Plan the changes, Do them, Check the results, and Act upon them in a continuous cycle of reflection and improvement.

Challenges in Evaluating IT Service Strategy Performance

Evaluating the performance of IT service strategies involves navigating a complex landscape of technological, organisational, and human factors.

While the process is critical for ensuring alignment with business objectives and continuous improvement, it comes with challenges.

Understanding these challenges is the first step toward developing effective strategies to overcome them.

Rapid Technological Changes

  • Issue: The fast pace of technological advancement can render current IT services and evaluation metrics obsolete, complicating the performance evaluation process.

  • Mitigation: Stay informed about technological trends and adapt IT service strategies and evaluation criteria accordingly. This may involve regular reviews and updates to KPIs and performance metrics.

Data Overload

  • Issue: The sheer volume of data generated by IT service operations can be overwhelming, making it difficult to extract actionable insights.

  • Mitigation: Implement advanced data analytics tools and techniques to filter, analyse, and visualise data, focusing on the most relevant metrics for strategic decision-making. You can measure so much in a modern organisation, but focus on the top few items that will make a difference. Start small and grow out from there.

Aligning IT and Business Objectives

  • Issue: Ensuring that IT service performance evaluation aligns with overarching business goals can be challenging, especially in organisations with siloed departments.

  • Mitigation: Foster strong communication and collaboration between IT and business units to ensure alignment of objectives and mutual understanding of how IT services support business goals.

Resistance to Change

  • Issue: Organisational resistance to change can hinder the implementation of necessary adjustments based on performance evaluation findings.

  • Mitigation: Engage stakeholders early and often, highlighting the benefits of proposed changes and involving them in decision-making to gain buy-in. I like to find my most change-resistant nemeses and focus on involving them; they'll become your greatest advocate if they feel bought in and responsible for the change.

Measuring Customer Satisfaction

  • Issue: Measuring and interpreting customer satisfaction can be difficult, as it often relies on subjective feedback.

  • Mitigation: Use a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups, to gain a comprehensive understanding of customer satisfaction.

Resource Constraints

  • Issue: Limited resources, including budget, personnel, and time, can restrict the ability to conduct thorough IT service performance evaluations and implement improvements.

  • Mitigation: There are always constraints of resources that we would rather didn't exist. Prioritise evaluation activities based on strategic importance and seek efficient methods and tools that offer high value with lower resource investment.


Evaluating IT service strategy performance is a pivotal process that enables organisations to align their IT services with business objectives, optimise service delivery, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Through the strategic use of metrics and KPIs, combined with quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, businesses can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of their IT services.

This article has outlined essential KPIs, evaluation methods, examples of strategic relevance, best practices for continuous improvement, and the challenges that organisations may face in this endeavour.

Organisations can navigate the complexities of the digital landscape more effectively by establishing clear objectives, leveraging data-driven decision-making, fostering a culture of feedback and learning, and aligning improvements with strategic goals.

Embracing Continuous Improvement

The journey towards excellence in IT service strategy performance is ongoing. It demands a commitment to continuous improvement, adaptability to technological advancements, and a deep understanding of the evolving needs of the business and its customers.

Organisations that actively engage in regular evaluation and refinement of their IT service strategies are better positioned to achieve operational efficiency, drive innovation, and deliver value to their stakeholders.

Organisations should always seek to;

  • Regularly review and update their IT service performance metrics and KPIs.

  • Adopt a holistic performance evaluation approach that includes quantitative and qualitative analysis.

  • Cultivate a culture of continuous improvement, leveraging insights gained from performance evaluations to make informed strategic adjustments.

By embracing these practices, businesses can ensure their IT services meet the current demands of their operations and customers and are poised to adapt and thrive in the face of future challenges.



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About the author

Alan Parker is an IT consultant and project manager who specialises in IT governance, process implementation, and project delivery. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Alan believes that simplifying complex challenges and avoiding pitfalls are key to successful IT management. He has led various IT teams and projects across multiple organisations, continually honing his expertise in ITIL and PRINCE2 methodologies. Alan holds a degree in Information Systems and has been recognised for his ability to deliver reliable and effective IT solutions. He lives in Berkshire, UK, with his family.

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